Star Wars The card game is a two player card game. The objective is to try to achieve Your goal. You can ether be the imperials or the rebels (Keep in mind tat there can't be a imperial and a rebel in the same game). In Star Wars The Card Game you have to chose your army. You chose by picking 10 objectives. Each objective comes with 5 battle cards. There are different types of battle cards. Units witch are your soldiers, enhancement cards which you power up you units with, event cards which you play anytime to do different things, and fate cards of which you play during a edge battle (see next sentence for edge battles). Every time you and your opponent fight with your creatures you have to see who attacks first which you decide by doing an edge battle. If you chose this game to play next add a comment. Thanks.
HEADS UP: This game is super complicated so if you like simple games this is not the game for you.
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